
Dietmar Schönherr

My village in Nicaragua
Ruth Deutschmann
Jürgen Pilger
Inn sbruck
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicol D´Incecco
Well, I have so many dreams have implemented in Nicaragua. I have created a culture where together with Ernesto Cardinal. This is a - there is a built-in music and art school, a clown school and a theater class. Everything you need. Children's Choir, Children's dance groups. We have built a village for the victims of a hurricane - Hurricane Mitch was the name. They were all - they were flood victims, who were sitting on houses or on trees and rescued - 8000 had to be rescued. For which we have built a village, there live 1500 people. There is a hospital for 32,000 residents in the area with doctors and nurses. And there are - what I like - a sculpture park, where children climb on. So, I've done. I am proud of - I do not like the word - but am very happy that I have accomplished the. And my - the question is - well, what I am dreaming of that is just on. Looks that way. I have a wonderful man named as his successor, that is the sharpening Henning. He was mayor of Bremen, wonderful person. And makes further then. And in Nicaragua, I have an Austrian as a director for many years, the Dieter Stadler. He was formerly the secretary of Leopold Ungar, director of the Austrian Caritas. So, prelate Leopold Ungar. Yes. And with whom I have - I had a very good relationship. I've already got the movie for my "Cain" as a witness of the Catholic Church. And - I did it then by Ernesto visited in Vienna. And I told him - I said, "Lord Prelate, how many employees did you do that in your charity?" "Yes," he said, "I do not really know, 3000 maybe." I said: "Give me one." And that was his secretary.